Individual Events


New School Studio Orchestra


1080x1920 Digital Kiosk Poster

1920x1080 Facebook

800x800 Instagram Slide 1

800x800 Instagram Slide2

800x800 Instagram 1

800x800 Instagram 2

1920x1080 Facebook

1080x1920 Digital Kiosk Poster


Mannes Orchestra

40x80" 3-sheet poster

Adapting the Work of



This 40x80" three sheet poster was designed by The New School’s marketing and communications department. It was used at Lincoln Center in the large, outdoor, poster display cases. Over the years, I often worked with other designers to help guide the creation of an initial design, and then I would adapt their design for the other uses (shown below).


24x24" Window Display Poster
(This is my adaptation of the 3-sheet poster designed by another designer at The New School.)

(This is my adaptation of the 3-sheet poster designed by another designer at The New School.)


24x36" Window Display Poster
(This is my adaptation of the 3-sheet poster designed by another designer at The New School.)


More Orchestra Designs

These are my designs.


24x24" Print Poster

800x300 Mailchimp Banner

800x800 website event listing



Mannes American Composers Ensemble

1080x1920 Digital Kiosk Poster

1920x1080 Facebook

800x800 Instagram 1

800x800 Instagram 2


800x800 Instagram 1

800x800 Instagram 2

1920x1080 Facebook

24x24” Window Poster

1080x1920 Digital Kiosk Poster