Booked Case Study cover.jpg

User Interface & Information Architecture Redesign

Client: BookedScheduler

In this project I evaluated CoPArooms (a customized version of the room scheduling web application BookedScheduler) to discover and prototype design improvements related to the findability of administrative features in the navigation as well as the discoverability of the User Interface elements on key web pages.


Website Diagram
Comparative Research
Surveys (tree test, card sort, traditional)
Content Inventory
Information Grouping
Nomenclature Development
Contextual Interviews

Optimal Workshop
Axure RP

Website Diagrams
Key Content Inventory
Affinity Diagram
Recommendations Report

This was a solo project, so all the work shown in this case study is mine.

What are features called and how are they organized? The ease with which users can become familiar and proficient with software depends on it being organized into an intuitive system and labeled with an understandable nomenclature. It was really interesting learning how users perceived language.





BookedScheduler was initially created to replace an existing laboratory scheduling application. Following implementation, the authors made the code open source; it quickly reached 100,000 downloads and was put into use all over the world. People used it to schedule tennis court rentals, helicopter lessons, salon appointments, and of course laboratory equipment and the community has only continued to grow. Today, Booked is the most popular open source scheduling tool in the world–used by hundreds of thousands of organizations around the globe to schedule whatever they can think of.

Challenge and Goals

A College of Performing Arts uses a customized version of BookedScheduler that they call “CoPArooms”. CoPArooms manages the schedules of more than 100 spaces–classrooms, music practice rooms, drama studios, venues, conference rooms and offices–and allows students to self-reserve practice and rehearsal space online. The college’s 700 music students generate more than 20,000 reservations each month.

CoPArooms has functionality which allows staff to place students into user groups and apply limitations to how each group schedules rooms.  Much of the administrative functionality is as a result of customization, so any usability issues present in the program are compounded by added-on features.   Because of the extensive amount and complex nature of the administrative controls, CoPA staff finds the system difficult to learn.  

The goal for this project was to redesign the administrative features of Booked, integrating the CoPArooms customizations, so that the program can be more intuitive for users by making features easier to find in the navigation and by making the controls on each page more scannable.

Design Process


Empathize with Users

In 2013, I worked with a developer on the original customization of BookedScheduler for the College. Following that project, I was primary manager of the platform for six years. During 2019, I worked on a second round of customization with the program’s original author. Normally I would begin a project like this with user interviews, but given my history with the platform, I already had a high degree of empathy for users.

So with the project’s two week time frame, I began collecting insights through a cognitive walkthough and with several surveys. I examined the software with fresh eyes, practicing using features and flows from the perspective of different users.

I created a tree test to measure the findability of features in the navigation. Only 33% of booked users and 24% of non-users were able to identify the correct page to achieve a task. Of the correct answers in either group, about half were direct successes, where the subjects navigated directly to the correct answer and didn’t need to explore. I created an open card sort survey where I asked people to sort administrative features into groups. This illustrated that people tend to think of functionality grouped by users, rooms, rules, and reservations. I also sent a traditional survey to booked users which revealed that nomenclature was problematic and that features were grouped in unexpected ways.


Define the Challenges and Ideate Solutions

1) Layout and Organization of Site Navigation

In the existing app design, administrative features are located in three menus and organized into three levels.

From the tree test survey, I knew that users had trouble navigating to the correct page to find the features needed to accomplish a task. From user research, I knew that the 3-dot menus (shown below) were often overlooked and that users found the organization of some administrative features in the application management menu and others in the cog icon menu to be confusing.


In order to visualize the site organization, I made a website diagram, examining and evaluating how the administrative features were grouped.


I identified the five most heavily used administrative pages, catalogued the functionality on those pages, and looked for strategies to group features in more intuitive ways using the user card sort data and an affinity diagram.

Affinity diagram.jpg

I determined I could improve the navigation by flattening it into two levels. The settings menu is extensive, so I grouped functionality together under headers to help users quickly find features.


In the new design (shown below on the right) you can see the more visible navigation in two levels rather than three, deployed in a vertical layout. The program is now organized into five high level tabs with all administrative features placed into the settings menu. Sub navigation is visible with nothing hidden and grouped under headers to help users scan the navigation quickly.


In the existing bookings page, the layout doesn’t allow much of the gant chart to show without scrolling.


In the new design the site Nav and date picker shift to the left, allowing more vertical space for the gant chart.


2) Nomenclature

The nomenclature used in any scheduling app is loaded with meaning and tricky to implement. For example, is the word schedule a verb, something one does? Or is it a thing, a calendar that a person uses to keep track of appointments? Does the user think of schedule as a personal thing or something that can be applied to the availability of spaces for an institution? CoPArooms uses a variety of words that people relate to differently: schedule, bookings/reservations, resources, and quotas. Guided by surveys and interviews, I made slight changes to site’s nomenclature to improve clarity. Resources became Rooms, Quotas become Rules and Schedules became Grids.

Some of it sounds like developer-speak, like words you associate with a database.
— Participant No. 4

3) Filter Size

Research revealed that users were overlooking important page functionality. So a goal for this project was to make the features on each page more easily discovered. One way that I did this was to reduce the amount of space that page filters occupied in order to move important features to a higher position on screen.

This is the existing site Resources page. The filter on top pushes the rooms down the page.


In the redesign of the same page (resources is renamed rooms), I've compressed the filter to gain vertical space so that more rooms can appear on the page. By initially hiding the room-specific functionality, the rooms appear in a more scanable list.


Show/Hides open to reveal room-specific functionality, incorporating standard standard UI elements.


4) User Interface Inside Tables

Many pages are designed in a table format, particularly those that display lists of things: rooms, users, groups.

By embedding controls inside table cells, users aren’t able to quickly scan a page and notice important functionality. Much of the UI is tiny text hyperlinks or small icons that users don’t easily recognize, and if they do, the UI doesn’t look important. The color used is not enough for users to perceive the functionality and problematic from an accessibility standpoint.


I changed the layout of these pages to make space for the UI to be more prominent by using show/hides for each section to help organize and deploy standard user-friendly controls.


Prototype and Test

I conducted remote contextual interviews with four coparooms staff administrators at the College to evaluate both the existing software as well as my new designs. I used that feedback to make further refinements and to develop the final interactive prototype.


In Summary

BookedScheduler could be more intuitive for administrative users around the world if the following improvements are made. 

1) Layout and Organization of Site Navigation
To make features more findable, the navigation should be flattened and 3-dot menus eliminated.   A vertical navigation would accommodate a menu structure with all administrative features revealed in one place.  Features should be grouped in ways that streamline user task flows.

2) Nomenclature
Administrative features should be renamed per the suggestions found in user research to make the platform more intuitive.

3) Filter Size
To make administrative controls more discoverable, the amount of space that each page filter occupies should be minimized and “add” functionality should trigger modals rather than static page content.  These changes will create more room on each page for user interface updates. 

4) User Interface
User interface controls which currently exist as tiny text hyperlinks or small icons should be replaced with standard buttons, dropdowns and other typical UI. WCAG guidelines should inform UI and layout decisions for future iterations.

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