
Each season, the College of Performing Arts presents a variety of important large-scale productions: opera, main stage theater, orchestra, guest artist events and other large-ensemble, new music presentations. Designing promotional pieces to advertise these important events is critical for the College on many levels. The programming is central to the quality of education received by students, effects recruiting of new students and donors and builds the reputation of the College within the arts community.

I was able to build audiences and focus on a larger number of events through grouping events to build interest in specific types of concert goers. The samples below were used in print as posters hung in street-facing windows and display cases, as well as digitally on kiosk screens found in lobbies on campus. I also adapted each poster design for social media and HTML emails (mailchimp).


1080x1920 Digital CoPA Highlights


800x800 Instagram Slide 1

800x800 Instagram Slide 2

800x800 Instagram Slide 3

800x800 Instagram Slide 4


1080x1920 Digital Lobby Poster

1080x1920 Digital Lobby Poster