Erik Bestmann

UX Designer

Constantly curious and always learning, my background as an operations director, visual designer and musician provides me the experience and skills to analyze complex challenges and design intuitive solutions.

Montage of photos of Erik Bestmann with different expressions.jpg

UX Case Studies



Software as a Service Design

WAND corp provides digital menuboard hardware and software. I researched the usability of the software to discover short-term improvements to the existing platform as well as recommendations for the product’s long-term evolution.



User Interface &
Information Architecture Design

Bookedscheduler is a widely used open-source scheduling app. I evaluated CoPArooms (a customized version BookedScheduler) to discover and prototype design improvements related to the findability of administrative features in the navigation as well as the discoverability of user interface elements on key pages.

Rapid Prototyping & Evaluation

Soona provides same-day product photography and videography services. I researched and built prototype improvements to Soona’s customer website flows, evaluated the prototypes and analyzed the results to guide further improvements.


MYLO Valet Movers

Mobile App Design

Mylo was a pre-revenue startup providing valet moving services. Mylo was in the early stage of designing a mobile app for customers and service providers. I conducted contextual user research and made iterative prototype improvements to the design of the app.


Craftnotes Drinks Passport

Multi-Touchpoint Design

Craft Notes connects customers to local craft breweries, distilleries and restaurants through a drinks passport and membership app. I examined customer touchpoints and recommend changes to increase membership and help build community.


Minnesota Association for Marriage & Family Therapy

Website Usability Testing & Design

The Minnesota Association for Marriage and Family Therapy is a professional organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of families, couples and individuals through the advancement of marriage and family therapy. I conducted user research and recommended usability improvements to the website as well as adjustments to make the site better reflect MAFMT’s identity and long-term goals.


Prime Digital Academy

Product Research & Design

Prime Digital Academy offers bootcamp career training for people transitioning into Full Stack Engineering and User Experience Design. I conducted heuristic analysis of Prime’s new-student welcome gift. I created a new prototype gift, conducted user research on the prototype, and recommended further changes to the concept.


 Visual Design

The samples below are promotional pieces I designed to advertise each year’s concert season during the years I worked as Director of Concert Operations and Event Promotion at The College of Performing Arts in NY. My position was not a dedicated design role, but my growth as a visual designer grew out of necessity and my own interest, and became integral in achieving my goals.


(Un)Silent Film Series

The College of Performing Arts Theater Orchestra makes biannual performances of live scores and improvised music to classic silent films. Since its first event in 2015, (Un)Silent Film Night celebrates the breaking down of barriers between art forms to create an evening of artistic excellence and pure entertainment, enjoyed by film and music lovers across New York City.



Students and faculty present over 500 solo and class projects each year. Due to the sheer number of offerings, it’s impossible to give each event distinct design/promotional attention. However, I discovered that I could reach the College’s audience through large-format listings posters which hang in windows facing sidewalk, display cases and the digital displays found in lobbies on campus.



Promoting special groupings of concerts is an effective way to engage the College’s audiences. Highlights style assets are used to communicate about topic-focused ideas, for example: Orchestra, Opera, Mainstage Theater, Studio Orchestra; or more broadly across the three performing arts schools to highlight each School’s most important events.


Individual Events

Large ensemble performance are among the most important and most polished offerings by the College, utilizing large cohorts of students and frequently involving guest artists and/or important programming on and off campus. These events receive top billing each season.


Mannes Sounds Festival

For more than 20 seasons, the Mannes Sounds festival has presented concerts performed by Mannes's talented students, as well as masterclasses and lectures by distinguished faculty members, and renowned guest artists. These fundraising events are held at various prestigious New York City venues including embassies, museums, churches, galleries and cultural centers.


Centennial Celebration

Mannes celebrated its 100th birthday in 2017 with a gala event at Carnegie Hall, featuring the Mannes Orchestra and the New York Choral Society in an evening that included performances and appearances by esteemed alumni, faculty, and friends: Simone Dinnerstein, Frederica Von Stade, Jennifer Zetlan, Theo Lebow, Ricky Ian Gordon, Michel Camilo, the Orion String Quartet, Dianna Krall, and Burt Bacharach.